
Make Tracks…Jacket

When I first learned of Code for America, I thought: What a great way to bring tech innovation to local governments! But those matching track jackets…

If I won a fellowship would I have to wear one? If you’re an Olympian, sure, rock that ugly sweater. You can ski ninety five miles per hour, wear whatever you want! But a group of technologist? 

I joined Code for America two years later. I hadn’t seen a track jacket in awhile, maybe the organization had left them behind? Nope, as I began our training a huge stack of track jackets arrived. I took mine home and didn’t wear it much.

On my first day in City Hall at my residency in Chattanooga, I was faced with a choice, suit up or zip up. The track jacket started seeming more appealing. Then, as the temperature dropped in Chattanooga, I started wearing it around town to keep warm. As I did, I started to appreciate the amazing things a dorky track jacket makes possible:

  1. People come up and ask, “What’s Code for America?” (Translation: I’m curious because it must be something worth being proud of if you’d want to show off by traveling in a pack wearing funny matching jackets. It is!)
  2. People covet the jackets. I can’t count the number of folks who ask, “What do I have to do to get a jacket?” or say with a wink “I’m a small, write that down, so you’ll know what size to get me.”
  3. Like a sports team all suited up to play, the track jackets make three fellows, recently strangers, now tasked with a big goal, feel like a team.
  4. And most obviously, but lost on me till I started my residency in Chattanooga, they’re a genius media play. At a recent conference we were pulled out of the crowd for a TV interview. Why? Certainly because we’re up to cool stuff, but also because we’re wearing big blue billboards.

The track jackets are geeky but now I wear mine with pride. After all, it’s a special jacket that says: cities can work better for everyone - and you can join the team.